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Bug Report

Tempat untuk melaporkan bug, kesalahan, atau error pada template Blogger gratis Derelogy, free Blogspot theme SEO friendly.
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Bug Report Derelogy Blogger Theme

Pengembangan dan perbaikan tema Blogger gratis Derelogy salah satunya bersumber dari laporan pengguna. Jika kamu menemukan kesalahan atau ketidaksesuaian, tolong laporkan dengan cara menuliskan masalahnya di kolom komentar. Setiap laporan yang masuk akan menjadi bahan untuk peningkatan kualitas di versi berikutnya.

Terima kasih banyak ya :)

Khusus di artikel ini, TIDAK DIPERBOLEHKAN untuk melakukan spam komentar sebagai bentuk percobaan. Silakan lakukan di artikel yang lain.

The development and improvement of Derelogy Blogspot template comes from user reports. If you find any errors or mistakes, please report them by writing the problem in the comments section. Every report received will become the source of quality improvement in the next version.

Thanks a lot :)

Specifically in this article, it is NOT ALLOWED to spam comments as a form of experiment. Please do it in another article.
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Insert active links at comment is not allowed. Also any kind of impolite words.
  1. Hi Admin, can the Title of pages like About and Change Log aligned to center? with lesser gaping with share icons?

    1. But the "Page Links" widget is already at center.

  2. kak, kok realated postnya cuman muter - muter aja ya pas saya coba template ini?

    1. Pastikan postingan dengan label yang sama sudah ada lebih dari 1.

  3. Teh, kertika di geser ke kanan dan kirk agak ikut bergeser tampilannya, tapi kalau di zoom - gak bergeser lagi.

  4. Mengenai pengaturan font size. Perlu ditambahkan script localstorage supaya pas ke postingan lain gak kembali ke semua, kan capek kalau harus klik lagi kalau mau ubah font sizenya.

    1. Iya sengaja gak ditambah ke localstorage. Nanti diupdate kalau banyak request.

    2. UPDATE 29 Mei 2024: ganti ukuran font sudah pakai localstorage.

  5. The model resets the modifications on its own, that is, when you place a logo, or change the menu links, and when you enter the HTML and make any modifications, it resets the modifications made to the layout. And the back to top button doesn't look good on the desktop, would you be able to create something animated? If possible, include the frequently asked questions and videos script like you have on Igniplex in the theme, other than that, perfect! Good job.

    1. It's not the theme. After you install and hit the save button, make sure to REFRESH the page once. Sometimes Blogger doesn't refresh itself.

      I have no plan to change the back to top button. Maybe some day.

    2. Thank you for responding, pay attention to this theme, I do intend to get the Premium version of it, although there is no difference from this one, but I like to encourage developers, I have the ones from Jago Desain, and this one I found very minimalist. Good job!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous31 May, 2024

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. kenapa tocnya gak bisa di hide yah

  9. mba kayaknya templatenya ada masalah di seo deh, soalnya web saya udah seminggu, gak bisa dicrawl google, saya bandingkan dengan blog saya kedua dengan tema berbeda ada yg langsung keindex.. terima kasih

    1. Coba fetch salah satu artikel. Alasan tidak terindexnya apa?

    2. Anonymous11 July, 2024

      Gak deh kyaknya. Blog baru punyaku lgsg pakai template ini dan terindex artikelnya. Memang kabar terbaru ada gangguan dari Google mengenai indexing ini (tidak tahu terjadi di semua/beberapa blog), dan untuk beberapa tahun kan memang cukup sulit untuk index artikel baru.

    3. Iya dugaan saya juga karena update algoritma Google yang rutin terjadi. Kalau dari sisi template, saya yakin baik meta tag, struktur, maupun tag lain tidak ada yang bertentangan dengan kaidah SEO.

  10. saya buat tabel pada salah satu postingan, garis tabel melebar melebihi batas postingan

  11. Hello, I would like to check 2 questions about this Template.
    1 - Could you provide me with the class for dark mode that is used in this Template and how it is applied. Like, I tried .Dark, .dk, .dK, dark, .darK and none of them work for custom codes.
    2 - Why in the footer in the author widget, the text has spacing when the text is large, is there any way to improve this, example provided below to understand what it is about?
    I would be grateful if you could answer, thank you very much!

    1. Hey, I've already managed to resolve the issue of spacing in the Author Widget in the Footer, this must be a problem in the widget itself, but I managed to solve it by changing it to image and text, I would just like to know what class is used in this template for dark mode, for custom scripts, if you can answer. Thanks!

  12. kak, slidernya gak ada thumbnail

    1. Pastikan gambar dalam postingan dihosting langsung di Blogger. Kalau dihosting di luar ga bisa muncul gambarnya. Itu ketentuan dari Bloggernya sendiri.

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